Embracing The Blerch: The Runner’s Dilemma

Embracing the Blerch

Embracing the Blerch is tough. The Blerch is that part of all of us – the fat little cherub who follows when we run, sleep, work and eat.  He’s a wretched lazy beast who represents all form of gluttony, apathy and nothingness. I take no credit in naming this little beasty, that goes to The Oatmeal.

The Blerch sometimes whispers, sometime shouts –


It’s too sunny/cloudy/warm/cold – don’t go for a run.


Running in the rain? Really? You don’t want to do that.


You’re too tired/stressed – don’t go for a run.


Too much to do! Who’s got time for running?


Food….Food good…lot’s of food, even better. Food with beer, best! Eaten too much….can’t run.


Stranger Things on Netflix – Again, Again (yep, just started from the beginning again, brilliant music – LOVE IT!)


My mission over the last month or so – to reduce the shout to a whisper. And it’s worked!

I’m pleased to say, while my running is still slow with short runs and I’m plodding along, there’s a routine there and my legs and headspace are getting used to the miles again. I’m averaging 4 runs – about 15 miles a week which I can build on.

And I have a cross-country in a few weeks – PANIC! First race for a very very long time. But I’m bringing cake so no matter how it goes – I’ll have a lovely sugar rush to make it all better!

So how did I quieten down this little critter?


1.Learning to embrace the Blerch

The Runner’s dilemma – to run or not to run. I limit my choices by having only 3 excuses to not run – Illness, Injury, Ice….BUT

2. Recognise that sometimes life gets in the way

The funny thing about running is it’s one of those things we do that can easily fall by the wayside. That’s been my story for most of the year. Life got in the way. But I’m not going to beat myself up about it.

Running doesn’t make me a better, somehow improved, version of myself. Not running doesn’t make me a lesser, somehow shittier, version of myself. It’s just what I do.

And it’s a fab way to see London and other spots when I travel (ie. Berlin). I can’t wait to get to a point of doing long runs again – along the Thames…. I never get tired of it.




3. Listen to your running buddies – they might just have the advice you need!

And my favourite bits of advice when trying to get my mojo back –

  • There are ups and downs and it takes time
  • Get your shoes on and get out the door
  • Don’t compare now to where you were when in proper training
  • Running needs to become just part of your life
  • Sign up for a race
  • Sign up for a race with wine en route

Thanks folks!

What I love about these bits of advice is there’s pretty much nothing about waiting for the motivation genie to strike in a way that says yes, you really really want to do a run rather than staying in bed on a Saturday or getting the bus home from work.

What’s your story?

(October 2016)

2 comments on “Embracing The Blerch: The Runner’s Dilemma

  1. Ahh, a race on a wine route something for me to aim at. I’m not sure if I want to get a place in the marathon or not, all i can do is wait and see.

    1. Thanks Jo. And yes, wine en route – something to aim for. Or perhaps a marathon with wine….though don’t quite know how that would pan out! And marathon time for me – the training starts in December. I wish you luck in the ballot for the London Marathon!

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