London – Day 24 of lockdown

Sign on gate at Dulwich Park - Stay at home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives

I’m at the stage of lockdown where everything is mildly irritating. And mildly irritating things become incredibly irritating.

Perhaps it’s the talk of there being some form of lockdown until a vaccine is found and being used widely. Estimated timeframe is 12 to 18 months at best.

Perhaps it’s the talk of immunity passports, the idea that if you’re tested and it shows you’ve got antibodies i.e. you’ve had Coronavirus, then you can go about your daily life. Difficult to unpack how troubling this one is. We know that some people who have tested positive, then negative, have tested positive again. Experts aren’t yet clear on if people are getting reinfected, or if the virus ‘goes into hiding’ only to say peek-a-boo on some unspecified future date. And the unintended consequences – let’s get infected so I can then get better so I can get back to work and pay my rent and bills and feed my family.

Perhaps it’s talk of Coronavirus having a disproportionate impact on Black and Minority Ethnic groups. A lot of assumptions are being made why this might be the case: a higher proportion of pre-existing health conditions; different sorts of households including multigenerational living arrangements; a greater likelihood of people in BAME communities being essential workers putting them at higher risk of being exposed to the virus. But these are assumptions, not fact. We need data. Deaths aren’t being recorded by ethnicity.

Perhaps it’s the talk that somehow this pandemic, and how we’re experiencing it in the UK, strengthens our need to be ‘free’ of the European Union.

Perhaps it’s the talk of an NHS tracking app. Current estimates was that it would need to be used by over half the population. Making it voluntary would pose a challenge. Even in Singapore, where there’s a high degree of ‘trust’ in the State, only 12% of the population installed it. There’s some talk about making it obligatory. I don’t know how far that conversation will go.

Another 861 reported deaths from this virus between 9am yesterday and 9am today, though this only involves hospital deaths. At least hospital death numbers aren’t increasing exponentially. But it’s too early to tell the impact on residents in care homes, or how many are dying at home.

Lockdown measures now extended for another three weeks.

I did get out for a walk today. I went down to Dulwich Park and I spotted my first ever woodpecker. I’ve heard them before in some woods near me. I’ve never seen one. I’m liking the headbanging approach. Somehow seems appropriate right now.

It was on my walk I got really irritated. There were too many cars on the road. Where is everyone going? There were quite a few vans out, generally delivery drivers, this makes sense. But it can’t be the case that so many people are out shopping or going to necessary appointments or are essential workers going to and from work. The advice is clear.

So time to ignore the world, have a glass a wine, watch a movie or two. I might even get some reading done. The only book I’ve managed to read in full over the last 24 days is The Oatmeal’s How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you. It’s a good read. In normal times, I would consume generally about two books a week.

So that’s it for Day 24. Stay safe, stay well, and stay home!

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