Running on Full

Random thoughts, used to be about running

2018 Running Awards - Favourite blog

Running on Full Nominated for The Running Awards

I emitted a squeal of excitement when I got the email saying I’d been nominated for Favourite Blog in the Running Awards 2018. Sorry to the person next to me on the bus, you probably thought I was a little insane! This is London… I’m honoured and excited at the same time. So if you’ve liked what you’ve read here, and shameless I know, vote for me. Go check out the other blogs as well.   The Running Awards 2018 The Running Awards are an annual event held a few days before the London Marathon and it’s are a very big […]

grumpy runner

The Grumpy Runner: When Autumn Hits

I am the grumpy runner. This came to the fore on Sunday. It was one of those runs where each step is like wading through treacle. I got out the front door late. I’d procrastinated – cleaning, a few tweets, another coffee. The weather was mild albeit a little grim. My plan was to do about 6 miles with some hills thrown in for good measure. Mile 1 – sucked. This is fine. It takes a little while for my breathing to sort itself out and my legs to work out what the hell is going on. Mile 2 – […]

Race Review: The Cabbage Patch 10

Short version – This is my third time running the Cabbage Patch 10. I’ll be coming back for more. Long version – The Cabbage Patch 10 is almost as old as the London Marathon. It’s one of the flattest 10 mile races in the country along roads and towpaths. And it’s attracted some big names, sometimes before they were big names like Mo Farah who won it in 2005. There’s also something to be said for races that donate money to local charities as this one does. In addition to cash prizes, the winners receive a cabbage. In addition to […]

Science in sport caffeine shots

Science in Sport (SiS) nutrition

At the beginning of the year I was a newbie in sports nutrition products, including SiS nutrition. I remember on a long run last year, a friend giving me a gel to try. After taking the smallest of slurps, I came very close to spitting it out. Then before the London Marathon I was invited to a Science in Sport (SiS) afternoon on nutrition and fueling for marathon day. I came home with some pointers and a great batch of goodies that I incorporated into my marathon training. You can read about what I learned here, and then what I put […]

Ealing half

Race Review: The Ealing Half

The Ealing Half has an amazing reputation. I wanted to see if it lived up to its reputation as winner of the UK’s best half marathon in 2014, 2015 and 2016 from the Running Awards. I was offered a free place in return for a blog post and signed up. So did my running buddy, Mary, to raise money for the Rowcroft Hospice in Torquay who had provided amazing support to her mother-in-law. This was her first half marathon since beginning running. Mary and I go back a while. We met on the first day of the beginners’ course 5 […]

Eridge Park 10

Race Review: Eridge Park 10

When I heard about the Eridge Park 10 from a fellow running club member, I knew I had to do it. Ten miles of hilly trails, only I somewhat underestimated the hills….and the mud! A few days earlier I opened the instructions and the route goes a little like this – ‘the New Gully leads the descent to the biggest of the three lakes Carp Baggers; the second Lake Serene sits at the foot of the first long climb taking you through the infamous Cheeky’s Bog… freewheeling down Heavenly Hill; open grassland takes you into the Lost Wood; to emerge […]

River relay

Race Review: Thames River Relay

I’m chuffed. Yesterday I ran 4.9 miles as part of the Thames River Relay. I beat my predicted time by over 45 seconds per mile! Post-ultra, I decided I wanted to get faster so I’ve been doing self-styled speed sessions over the last month. While there are still improvements I can make, seeing such rapid progress is encouraging. And the race, it was followed by a picnic to end all picnics. My running club knows how to put on a great spread. It was an early start with leaving home at 6.30 for a 7am pick-up. I’m not an early […]

Reasons to run an ultramarathon

6 Reasons to Run an Ultramarathon

So what are the reasons to run an ultramarathon? I get odd, quizzical and confused looks from non-running folk when I tell them this year I’ve done a couple of marathons and an ultra. For those of you new to running, an ultra is a race at a distance longer than the 26.2 miles of a marathon. I don’t look like a marathon or ultra runner. Indeed, I don’t look like a runner at all really. My thighs are not on the small side and there are bits of me that wobble that perhaps shouldn’t and I’m slow. But following the […]


Footnotes: How Running Makes Us Human by Vybarr Cregan-Reid

Review of Footnotes: How running makes us human by Vybarr Cregan-Reid (2016)   Have you ever looked at a landscape painting or photo and wondered what it would be like to run through it? The crunch of leaves and gravel underfoot, the smell, the birdsong, the feel of the air on your skin? For Cregan-Reid Running has change me so completely that, now, even the sights of a landscape painting instils in me a deep desire to step into the frame, and beyond it. (xviii) I get this. I wonder what it would be like to run and experience landscapes […]

Runthrough Hyde Park

Race Report: RunThrough at Hyde Park

RunThrough at Hyde Park – I’m feeling almost recovered three weeks since my 50k. I’ve no big training miles planned at the moment so while one of my aims over the next six months is to get a little speedier, my other is to have fun. I’d set the goal of having fun for this10k. A couple of folks from Twitter said ‘Wouldn’t it be great to meet up at Hyde Park race?’ I was in two minds – I wanted to see how my recovery was going; but I wanted a sociable run. So after much procrastination, I signed […]

Running a 50k

Running a 50k: Lessons learned

Running a 50k is an amazing experience. Well, there was a lot of walking on my part but hey ho. It’s been a couple of weeks since I completed the Chiltern Challenge 50k. Review here. I learned a lot – in the training, on the day, and about myself. While the day certainly didn’t play out as planned, took longer than expected, and included a lot of pain, I’d do it again in a heartbeat. There’s nothing I’d change about the race itself, but there are things I’d do a little differently in the lead up.   Running a 50k: […]

ultra recovery

Post-Ultra Recovery

A week ago I did my first ultra – a 50k in the Chilterns with Extreme Energy. There was joy, there were a few blisters, and there was some loud sobbing, but I finished! This brings me on to post-ultra recovery. I’ve found recovering from the 50k easier than the marathons I’ve done. OK, stairs were a little tricky to negotiate for a day or two but I haven’t felt nearly as battered or bruised. So the last week’s gone a little like this …   Post-Ultra Recovery – The Last Week Feeling like this at random moments   A lot […]