Running on Full

Random thoughts, used to be about running

Image of nervous girl

How I think my second ultra will go!?!

So…my second ultra…hmm. For those of you who don’t know what an ultra is, it’s a race longer than marathon distance. I’m doing a ‘short’ ultra, a 50k, through the Chilterns on Saturday with XNRG. My training has had its ups and downs – a brief lurgy or two, some twinges in my knee. But otherwise, it’s pretty much gone to plan. In addition to covering the miles, I’ve run and stomped up a lot of hills, covered marathon distance on a rather warm and sticky day, walked around every now and again up and down said hills with a […]

Trashed versus a new pair of running shoes

Lizzy Hawker: On finding what puts colour in your life

I’m at the Ellis Brigham Mountain Sports centre in London to hear Britain’s greatest ultrarunner, Lizzy Hawker speak. I kept overhearing references to UTMB, UTMR and the like, easily said, the sort of races you do. People were casually chatting about covering the sorts of distances I simply can’t get my head around and the sorts of climbs in races that make me turn green at the thought.   If you don’t know Lizzy, you should. The woman is amazing, as an endurance athlete, as a person. The talk started with a few laughs with staff trying to sort the […]

Tow girls pouring water over their heads

May Roundup: Feeling hot hot hot

May Roundup: Ah, that time of year when it hits 16 +, it’s sunny, running equals pools of sweat and distinct tan lines… fun times… (and well, the tunes, I couldn’t help myself). Now, I’m well aware that my friends in Australia will laugh at me. Growing up, we’d put our jumpers on once it hit about 20 or 21 degrees. Very occasionally in winter it might get really cold and dip below double figures. Yep, I’m from Brisbane so a little sub-tropical and where they sensibly start Parkrun at 7am – even then you need to take water, wear […]

Pacing the Hackney Half

Pacing the Hackney Half for 2:20 – What a day! Sunshine, a real buzz running through the crowds of runners and supporters, a half marathon to be run. And best of all, despite a touch of heatstroke, I made my time but more on that later…. The race is part of a whole weekend of the Festival for Fitness which include a 5k on the Saturday and a line-up of fitness classes which includes an action packed boxing lesson. And Virgin’s ambition? To make fitness fun and accessible to all and celebrate the spirit of Hackney. The half marathon is […]

Sign about jogging in Parc du Bruxelles

Running in Brussels

Running in Brussels: Let’s just say I’m not a travel writer but here goes… An invitation I couldn’t pass up. I was on the phone to my Aussie bestie when her 3 year old son started shouting in the background ‘Est tante Sophie venant à ma fête.’ (Is Aunty Sophie coming to my party?) You see, he and his twin sister were having a party to celebrate turning 4. They wanted…no, the needed to know, was I going to be there? So I did as any good Auntie does, I booked my Eurostar tickets to Brussels. Now, I figure you know […]

Book cover for Zen and the Art of Running

Zen and the Art of Running by Larry Shapiro

Zen and the Art of Running: The path to making peace with your pace by Larry Shapiro (2009).   Want to add a little Zen to your running? This book might just be for you. The focus isn’t on running form or improving your results, though it does include some elements of this. The focus instead is on maximising the joy that is running through training the mind. It’s about being in the moment and being acutely aware of the world around. I started my own journey into mindfulness a number of years ago now. I was finding things tough […]

Cover of book with sprinter

How bad do you want it? by Matt Fitzgerald

Review of How bad do you want it? Mastering the psychology of mind over muscle. (2015)   How bad do you want it? This is the question asked by Matt Fitzgerald, author, coach and nutritionist. The inquiry begins from trying to understand how elite athletes are able to move beyond discomfort to maximise performance. Of course they work their arses off and work on all those other factors that effect performance (i.e. nutrition, rest etc) and there may well be some element of ‘natural’ talent, but what is it that moves a good athlete to a great one? And what […]

April Roundup: When training doesn’t go to plan

When training doesn’t go to plan … I’m training for the XNRG Chiltern Challenge, a 50k race in July. This was how I fared last year … I was slow, so very very slow. There was pain, there was sobbing, but I finished. I laugh every time I see this photo. You can read how it went in detail here. I’m doing this race again because I have a point to prove to myself! But over the Easter weekend, about a month ago, I tweaked my back … again. This time is was soft tissue damage in my lower back – […]

Mo Farah third in place at the half way point

The London Marathon: On being a marshal

On being a marshal: The 2018 London Marathon was my third time marshaling this race, and the most challenging. But I’m getting ahead of myself… First to say well done to everyone who undertook the race. It was the hottest ever with the running beginning with high humidity and bright sunshine. I know there are many runners who didn’t achieve their time targets, and a few who had to pull out due to issues brought on by the heat. But brilliant work my friends, you’re an inspiration! Second, my deepest condolences to the family and friends of Matt Campbell, a 29 year […]

Back pain and running - panda saying 'not again'

Back Pain and Running… no, not again…

Back pain and running don’t go together! ‘No, not again’ I muttered when I felt that familiar tweak in my lower back. I was on a run. There was a dull pain. That spot where I’ve slipped a disc twice and had ongoing issues with the joints that sit around it (more of the back story here). It was a pain that built during the day to a crescendo in bed when trying to turn over. OK, this pain sucks. Over the next couple of days, I did stretches, I did some gentle walking. Time to hit the Arnica (limited […]

Standing at Greenwich after completing, holding up my medal

The Big Half Review

The Big Half Review: I wasn’t sure what to expect going in to this race. I’ve run the London Marathon twice and this covers much of the same route though in reverse. The biggest question in the days leading up was indeed will it still go ahead? Snow and ice had brought much of the UK to a standstill. Through the country, races were being cancelled or postponed due to the weather. And so it was, 2pm the day before the Big Race, a confirmation email – it was on! I hadn’t run for close to a week due to […]

Ducks on a frozen lake in the snow - as seen on a run

February Roundup: Playing with pace

A mixed month for running – some good weeks on miles, some not so good weeks. I’ve been playing with pace and hitting the hills. My aim for this year is to get PBs from 5 to 50k which means some serious work …. Let’s just say I haven’t been as consistent as I’d like. Indeed, on some days I’ve been rather slack. I think there’s a bit in my brain which is hoping those PBs will just magically happen! So here’s how it’s been … Highlights Was off to a good start with the Watford Half – a fab race, well […]