Running on Full

Random thoughts, used to be about running

light dancing on my bathroom wall

London – Day 32 of lockdown

Today has been a day of strange reflection. Time continues to pass in bendy stretchy ways. Days are flying by. It’s Friday though that has little meaning in these strange times. The markers of the days no longer exist in the same way. There’s no Saturday morning parkrun. In ‘normal’ times, I’d get up early, get to the gym, and then walk to Dulwich Park to have coffee with some of the parkrunners I know. I’d go to at least one event during the week in central London – hearing about all manner of things I find interesting and can […]

Sitcker on lampost

London – Day 31 of lockdown

If anything today was to go by, we’ve got many more months of lockdown to go. I didn’t manage to leave my flat until 5pm. I’d been caught up with work and a couple of video conferences. All the ways to potentially videoconference and I’m still never quite sure if I need to look professional i.e. show my face, or do it via phone. I prepare anyway. At least the top half. The bottom half is generally my gym kit. I walked down the street. Caught up with a neighbour who was on her front stairs with her daughters and […]

rainbow in chalk on a wall

London – Day 30 of lockdown

It’s in these strange times that my emotions keep catching me out. The trigger can be a thought, something I read or watch. It’s been a good day. There’s been dancing, bad singing, work, coffee, a few phone calls, lunch, a chat to neighbours, a walk in Dulwich Park, more coffee, more work. An article I wrote on housing policy post Covid-19 got published. I am bouncing off walls a little and I can’t blame coffee for that. That explains the dancing and singing. Like half the world, I’m feeling cooped up with energy to burn. The trigger today was […]

Graffiti image of Queen on hoverboard being led by 3 corgees

London – Day 29 of lockdown

Today was a good day. The best day I’ve had in lockdown. I got up. Drank coffee. Did some detailed prep for a meeting this afternoon as my head has been out of the game for a while when it comes to all things data and artificial intelligence. Did some work on a proposal. Had a great video chat with someone I run into every now and again at conferences but won’t now meet again in person for who knows how long. Had a toasted cheese sandwich for lunch, something I’ve not had for a few years but I had […]

graphic with 28 days later in lockdown

London – Day 28 of lockdown

Day 28 of lockdown. The relief 28 days ago when the lockdown was finally announced. Today I read some of the first few days of this journal of sorts. Social distancing is now in full swing. While I still feel some degree of dread at stepping outside, I’ve settled into a routine that works. I drink coffee. I do some work albeit mainly putting together stuff that might secure me future work. I have lunch at some point, going for my daily bit of exercise either before or after. I have regular calls with friends and friends I do projects […]

Central London in the distance

London – Day 27 of lockdown

I started off today feeling a little tired but otherwise pretty chill. Following a very long phone call last night, I put on Alien, a film I’ve not watched for perhaps a year or so. I stayed up way too late and had a late start to the day. I had coffee, much coffee, and then went for my daily bit of exercise. I had felt relaxed until hitting Dulwich Park. There were too many people about to feel comfortable – walkers, runners, cyclists, lots of kids. I walked up past Dulwich College and went into Sydenham Woods. For the […]

Park benches with tape to stop people sitting on them

London – Day 26 of lockdown

I’m having a day of becoming trapped in thought loops. And not the good kind. I’m doing what I can to distract myself – listening to music and dancing about. I went out for my daily allotted exercise. In Dulwich Park they’ve now taped all the park benches to prevent people sitting. Clearly my local council is getting serious on the ‘no sitting’ in the park rule. And I’m torn. On the one hand, I know why the park benches have been taped up. On the other, in the part of my brain that keeps repeating lines from Queen’s ‘I […]

During lockdown...write a book, learn a language etc with giant red cross through it

London – Day 25 of lockdown

There’s been a lot of blather about all those things you can achieve during lockdown. A quick google search on ‘how to stay motivated during lockdown’ brought up 15,000,0000 + results.  I couldn’t bear to read a single piece but I know how it goes – Write a book Learn a language Become a guru Start a business Build your client base by 3000% Lose weight Be the best you   My response is simple. Sod Off. Getting through this is not a competition. If there’s one time that really highlights just how bollocksy the ‘self-help’ ‘motivation’ industry is, it’s […]

dancing counts written in chalk on footpath

Songs for social distancing or dancing like nobody’s watching

Songs for social distancing or dancing like nobody’s watching. In these strange times, here are some songs that may bring you joy, may have you dancing around your home like nobody’s watching, or just if you have the need for a little wallowing (and that is more than fair enough under current circumstances). With thanks to the good folks of social media for numerous suggestions. Let me know if you’ve got other suggestions. The disclaimer is that I need to like the song! Full playlist now on Youtube   List here Songs for social distancing Beatles – Get Back The […]

Sign on gate at Dulwich Park - Stay at home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives

London – Day 24 of lockdown

I’m at the stage of lockdown where everything is mildly irritating. And mildly irritating things become incredibly irritating. Perhaps it’s the talk of there being some form of lockdown until a vaccine is found and being used widely. Estimated timeframe is 12 to 18 months at best. Perhaps it’s the talk of immunity passports, the idea that if you’re tested and it shows you’ve got antibodies i.e. you’ve had Coronavirus, then you can go about your daily life. Difficult to unpack how troubling this one is. We know that some people who have tested positive, then negative, have tested positive […]

Dulwich College playing fields

London – Day 23 of lockdown

At times it’s so quiet, it must be what it’s like to live in the country. Clear blue skies, few planes overhead, the sound of birds, little traffic. And the birds are very polite here. None of the shouty birds you get in Australia, albeit there are quite a few rowdy parrots in Dulwich Park. Even magpies are polite. There is no magpie season in the UK. I heard on the grapevine that Dulwich College has opened many of its playing fields to the public. So I walked through Dulwich Park, up to the College fields and wandered through. A […]

Dulwich Park

London – Day 22 of lockdown

It’s weird how small the world becomes in lockdown. And the joy of the mundane. I went food shopping today. I scored half a dozen eggs, and a tin of baked beans. There was even toilet paper on the shelves. I didn’t buy any as I already have enough for now, but it was good to see. But finding the eggs and the baked beans brought me a strange sense of satisfaction. I hadn’t been able to find any on my two essential shopping trips last week. And they aren’t so important that I would go into a shop only […]