Running on Full

Random thoughts, used to be about running

Sign on footpath pointing to the gym

Coming back from injury…

It’s been a while, a very long while. Coming back from injury, it’s been slow going. These days I’m taking it run by run.   Some background It was January. I was on a run and felt a tweak in my left knee. While I’ve had various issues with my right knee including the fabulously named fat pad impingement, my left knee had never caused me issues. After that run, I went home and rested. Knee was swollen, elevation, ice, physio. More elevation, ice, physio. Tried running again, same issue, and again. I deferred the London Marathon. I’d already deferred […]

Why motivation sucks

Why motivation sucks (and how to get your arse out the door)

Why motivation sucks – this is one I’ve been thinking about for a while. If I waited for the motivation genie to strike, I’d rarely get out the door to go for a run. I don’t know about you but ‘motivating’ quotes like ‘Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations’ ‘Pain is temporary, greatness is forever’ ‘Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it.’ make me gag a little. My visceral response is ‘bollocks’. Dreaming of being a supermodel (NOT something I dream about) or being a famous fiction author (if only I liked writing fiction enough) or running a sub-4 marathon […]

Baked Sweet Potato

Baked Sweet Potato

Baked sweet potato with haloumi, red onion, spinach and a few drops of chilli sauce – it’s a fab combo of flavours and textures. It’s quick and easy to make and is one of my go to meals. For me, baked sweet potato tastes indulgent – sweet and a little creamy. And they’re full of good stuff for runners – Vitamins B6, C and D, iron, magnesium, potassium and high in beta carotene. They’re versatile – bake them, boil them, mash them – up to you.

running faster

The Art of Running Faster by Julian Goater and Don Melvin

Review of The Art of Running Faster: Improve technique, training, and performance by Julian Goater and Don Melvin  (2012)   ‘Don’t practice plodding,’ the key takeaway from The Art of Running Faster. And running is an art – just watch Paula Radcliffe or Mo Farah at their best if you haven’t already. Now I’ve been a plodder pretty much since I started running 5 years ago. It’s seen me through two marathons and my first ultra a few weeks ago. This is great and there is some real benefit to plodding. But, to be perfectly honest, I’m getting a little […]

Quinoa with courgettes

Quinoa with courgettes

I love a good bit of quinoa and quinoa with courgettes is a fab combination of flavours and texture. Now I don’t go for the superfood hype and instead subscribe to the Michael Pollan school of thought – Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

A Fab Snack for Runners – Fruity Flapjacks

Fruity flapjacks are tasty any time! These are simple, cheap, and quick to make with the possibility of endless variations. Try with other dried fruit and nuts? Or leave them out and dip in melted choc once they’ve cooled a little? So many choices. I made these for what should be called #runningclubcakefest2017 and they went down a treat. I managed to bring none home with me! Given them a try and let you know if you do a variation on this.

Some key pointers for London Marathon runners including getting to the Expo early, getting your name printed on your top, and remember to pace from the start and not get caught up in the hype.

Advice for London Marathon Runners

London comes alive on the day of the marathon. And the thought of it, especially if you’re running it, can be daunting. Here’s some advice for London marathon runners. The excitement in the air is palpable. It brings out the best in runners, in the fantastic marshals and volunteers and organisers, and those 10s and 100s of thousands of members of the public that line the route. Bands are playing. Some make a day of it with picnics. Others are drinking wine or beer. It’s a day that brings out the best of everyone. 

Tall building as seen on long run

Week 3 of London marathon training … the lurgy

Ah, week 3 of London marathon training and struck down by the lurgy. It had to happen at some point. I’m working on the basis it’s a virus which, as long as I’m sensible, should disappear in a day or two. That’s my hope. So I’m not sitting here feeling sorry for myself, though that might happen if it means too many runs missed. My priority is on getting better so while the miles won’t run themselves, rest and tweaking plans is what I need to do. Thankfully it’s still early in the training cycle.   Running when ill The […]

Selfie after long run

Week 2 of London marathon training … a little chilly!

Week 2 of London marathon training, and slowly, oh so slowly, the miles are starting to build. So far so good. It’s been a little chilly but it is London, and it is the middle of winter. Thankfully it’s not yet been icy or snowy, just a little grey and grim…! And how I deal with the grey and grim – lightbox, sunrise alarm clock, Vitamin D supplements, running. Saturday’s run was planned at 9 miles, I ran almost 10. My reason – it meant I could reach the cafe that does a pretty damn good mocha, faster. A mocha […]

Week 1 of London Marathon Training

A few weeks ago I got some great news! With thanks to my running club, and the ballot it holds for those unsuccessful in the public ballot, I have a place in this year’s London Marathon. I’ve been fortunate. This is my third London Marathon, and when I haven’t been running it, I’ve been a marshal. Because of getting a place, I have taken the decision to defer the Guernsey Ultra, a 36 mile mixed terrain race around the island of Guernsey. It’s only three weeks after London. It looks to be a truly superb race in a unique environment […]

London Marathon Ballot

On waiting for the London Marathon Ballot Results

It’s that time of year again. A couple of hundred thousand of us anxiously await the outcomes of the London Marathon Ballot. I’m assuming it’s a ‘SORRY’. I think this might be my 6th year of applying through the ballot. I’ve been fortunate though. I’ve run London twice, getting places via my running club. What happens, happens. And the cool thing is, whether it’s a yes or a no, I still get to be part of it. My club always marshals on the day, so if I can’t run it, then I marshal. Wishing everyone the best of luck!!!   On […]

deal with it giphy

On dealing with a bad race

On dealing with a bad race … You’ve done the training, it’s gone well. For a 50k, you’ve covered marathon distance, you’ve hiked hills with a weighted backpack, you’ve run up and down many other hills, you’ve tested nutrition and hydration, you’ve tested your kit. The day arrives. All is going well. And then it all goes to shit. This was me in July. And no, I haven’t blogged since then, not because of the trauma of a race gone bad, life got in the way. To begin, this has nothing to do with the race itself, the Chiltern Challenge […]