Running on Full

Random thoughts, used to be about running

What have I done

Ultra Training Begins …

I’ve done it now. Yep, really done it. I’ve signed up to my first ultramarathon – the Chiltern Challenge 50k with XNRG. I did this pre-London Marathon thinking I’d build on all the training I’d done for that. But now, after 2 weeks of doing some shortish runs and being on the ‘see food’ diet, I’m not feeling my fittest. The food was good. There was cake. Since booking, I’ve been in denial. It was only last week I counted the weeks till the day. No, not freaking. No. No, really, I’m not! 10 frigging weeks to go! So much […]


Nutrition and Fuelling for Marathon Day (Part 2)

In March, I was lucky enough to be invited to an event hosted by Science in Sport (SiS) on nutrition and fuelling for marathon day. The key lessons from that session can be found here. Now the marathon is done, I thought it would be useful to update on how it went. And how it went on the day? I would’ve like a faster time but given a 5k seemed a long way on New Year’s day, I’m happy with the outcome. You can read more here.

postrace lurgy

A Case of the Post-Race Lurgy

It had to happen. The post-race lurgy. After months of training with only a cold that lasted for a few days, post-race, I’ve succumbed. I’ve known for a few days though I was in denial. A clear sign I’m getting sick is carb loading – the sort of carb loading you might do in the lead up to a marathon or ultra, only with more cake and no running to be done. I figure this is pretty normal. After months of training followed by the marathon with 40,000 other folks, I’m bound to pick up something.

postrace blues

Getting over the postrace blues

Ah, the postrace blues. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Surely someone must have written a poem or a song about this. Haiku anyone? It’s that feeling you have when you’ve focused all your energy for months on one week, one day, one moment, and then it’s over in a flash. Reality comes back to bite you in the butt. Don’t get me wrong. It was an amazing day and I loved every second of it. I’ve managed clearly to already forget those moments when running my second marathon hurt and I wanted to cry. At least this time I […]

Photo of me waving as I run along in front of Big Ben, alongside St James Park. Turn the corner and the finish line is in sight.

London Marathon Review

Here’s my London Marathon review. Since January 1st, it’s all been leading to this – the London Marathon. Months of preparation – of long runs, of runs on tired legs, races with bling, almost daily rolling and core, pilates classes and only a few trips to the physio. Tingles down the spine as it gets closer to the big day. There is something special about running London – with 40,000 people who all have stories to tell, when with a clear line of sight you see thousands ahead of you. It’s the crowds shouting your name, willing you on especially at […]

London Marathon Expo

Training Recap – Two Days Before London Marathon

While I’m no longer having dreams about showing up late and completely frazzled to the start line of the London Marathon, the excitement/ nervousness has upped. Nothing like going to the Expo for a little anxiety inducement! But the excitement of Expo was upped by getting to meet some more twitter folks

Reason to Run

London Marathon 2017 – Not Long Now

Not long now … nervous, excited, filled with trepidation – this is how I’m feeling with only a few days to go until the London Marathon 2017 as you can see from the photo! I’ve been a little reflective of the last few days about how far I’ve come in training. The long runs, the races, and the added miles throughout the weeks have not always been easy. I started from a pretty poor base with Parkrun feeling difficult on 1 January. Since then

sub 2 possible

Is a sub 2:00:00 marathon possible?

Two Hours: The quest to run the impossible marathon by Ed Caesar (2015) I watched the men’s and women’s marathons at the 2012 London Olympics. I was standing in St James Park within spitting distance of the runners as they flew past. It was extraordinary to watch. It was more than just the pace – it was running form, tactics, drama and facial expressions – each runner pushing themselves to the absolute limit. The world record for the marathon stands at 2:02:57. It was set in Berlin in 2014 by Kenyan runner, Dennis Kimetto, and it was the first time […]

London Marathon

Training Recap – 1 week to London Marathon

 One week to London Marathon and what will be will be. A few more miles to do to keep my legs ticking over.   But the dreams. I’m not one for remembering dreams on the whole. This has been some crazy stuff.   Dream 1 – turn up at the start point in a panic as I’m late. I look down only to discover my kit is all wrong – wrong top, wrong shoes and no number. I have also forgotten my gels and jelly babies. I wake up in a panic wondering  why I haven’t got my gel belt on. […]

Grand Union Canal Half

Race Review – Grand Union Canal Half

Review of Grand Union Canal Half: To celebrate 10 years of the Grand Union Canal Half, Purple Patch Running added in a spring ‘special edition event’. This race is otherwise always run in the autumn. This is a point to point race from Cowly in Uxbridge to Cassiobury Park in Watford. I’d decided to run this as a training run and my final 10 mile plus run before the London Marathon. And I’m so glad I did – the sun and heat were brutal. The race was a 10am start and I managed to get a lift with friends from […]

Tapering Runner

Training Recap – 2 Weeks to London Marathon

Ahh, the tapering runner! I’m so grateful it’s only 2 weeks to the London Marathon. While the miles are down, my legs feel heavy and unresponsive and I’ve got too much time on my hands and way too much energy to know what to do with.  Slight irritations are turning into major ones. I’m stuck in sucky thought loops that go something like this ‘This is going to be a disaster…I’m so unfit…I’ll never finish…Nooooo…’ Maranoia hasn’t hit yet so that’s something to look forward to.