London – Day 87 of lockdown

day 87 of lockdown - 2 rainbows

I’m in a much less grumpy mood today. I’ve managed to be pretty productive and no naps have been needed.

And the news in response to Covid-19 continues at pace.

Government has abandoned the development of a centralised Tracker App, instead looking at a decentralised approach. The aim of these Apps is to notify users when they have been in recent proximity of another user with Covid-19. It uses proximity data. It was meant to be rolled out in mid-May. Oops…

Everyone was telling them it wouldn’t work and even if it did, the approach meant that it would be highly unlikely anyone would download it onto their phone. Wasted time, money and effort that could have been better spent on developing a track and trace system that actually works.

I started watching today’s briefing led by Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock. I didn’t last long.

A further 135 deaths. This brings the total to 42,288. The numbers, sadly, don’t seem to be declining as quickly as I’m sure many of us hoped. Still no data available on the number of people who have been tested.

This is all very tiring and very trying. We’re not learning from other countries. Beijing with a population of 20 million plus has shut down areas due to a spike in new cases. Here we’re talking about 150. In the UK, infection rates have ‘dropped’ to about 3,800 a day.

While masks are now compulsory on public transport, this isn’t yet the case in shops. I think this could well change soon.

Here’s to an evening of no news and some rubbish programmes on Netflix.

So that’s it for Day 87. Stay safe, stay well, and stay home!

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